You may think that spending days in my own garden would be enough, but no, I also spent time in my Mom's garden and in the gardens of both of my daughters! And then helped my sister and brother-in-law work on their chicken coop.
For my Mom I planted Impatiens in containers to decorate around the benches in the front and back yards and in a decorative container on her screened porch, trimmed shrubbery and cleaned up her flower garden. She bought a yellow jasmine on trellis for a spot in her front yard. With the daffodils in bloom, green leaves sprouting all about, her house looked lovely for Easter! I forgot to take photos, but here is a photo of an area in her back yard from last year with iris that I planted.

My younger daughter and I went shopping at the Growers Outlet; it was almost overwhelming, too many plants to choose from! I bought several items for their wedding anniversary gift and she bought some items for herself. (Oh and I bought more herbs and veggies for my garden.) The loveliest in the gift group was the 'plum delight loropetalum' which are awesome this year. Maybe it was the influence of the extremely cold winter, I have never seen these shrubs look more beautiful. We planted azaleas, herbs, hostas and more. My daughter made a lovely design with hostas and caladium in the shade of their magical oak tree. She is really developing her green thumb! I love the days we share in her garden! (Once again I forgot to take photos, but will do so on my next visit.)
Plum Delight Loropetalum

My older daughter, my two grandkids and I had marvelous time in their yard. We dug up one garden area and planted seeds: asparagus beans, carrots, cilantro, cucumbers, eggplant, genovese basil, green peas, thyme and Black Prince Heirloom Tomatoes. This was about half of the gardening, a good start! It was such a beautiful warm day, we hooked up a sprinkler for the grandkids to play in.

Almost forgot, for breakfast I made my special pancakes for the grandkids, made to order in Shapes! This is a tradition we started long ago; at one time in the past they made a 'menu' with all their favorite shapes. My granddaughter plays waitress and writes up the orders. Most requested this weekend were bunnies, egg shapes, candy heart shapes, oh, and spiders.

Here is the order written by my granddaughter. (She really cracks me up- she put check-marks as we completed the shapes!)

My sister and brother-in-law recently purchased six chickens and a rooster. The chicken coup is coming along slowly, the chickens are still young enough to be in the large boxes but they are growing fast. We got the roof on -- hurray! Still more work to be done, but nearly completed. Here is The Chicken Coup:

Finally here are some photos of new additions to my container garden:
Red Maple

Kale (one of many)

Pineapple Sage

Tiny Yellow Marigolds in My Dragonfly Stakes

Fragrant Herb Mix


Little View of Lush Green Garden

Another Little View

Another View

So much fun sharing love, laughter and activities with family on my unplanned Spring Break Week. (I should do this more often.)
Until next time, share your smile!
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