Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Fever Abounds

February 25, temperature is 20degrees, winter still has her hold on us.

I am so ready for Springtime, warm sunny days, warm rain showers; I'm ready to garden.

Here are some photos from My Gardens in Previous Years ~ flowers, herbs, veggies and whimsical things.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ArtFire Studio Anniversary

February marks my 1-year anniversary for my ArtFire Studio, the 26th being the actual date!
Today thru Feb 28th use Coupon Code ANNIVERSARY26 at Check Out for 26% Off each item.
Thank you for a good year on!!
Come Visit ~ take a look at all the new Rings, Earrings and More.

Sweet Juliet Rose Earrings

Elysian Spiral Fluorite Ring

Thank you to my loyal customers!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Earrings for Spring!

They Are Ready! Earrings for Spring! Working on these is helping to control my out-of-control Spring Fever. I think this just may be my favorite pair: The Goddess Earrings.

To see more of my new earrings, come visit My ArtFire Studio

Till next time ~ Remember to Smile!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Little Tiny Boxes

I am so impatient, wanting to finish out these new metal cap charms, however, first they must be thoroughly dry. Here's updated photo of shiny metal cap charms, nearly ready for adornments and earwires.

While I'm waiting for the metal cap charms to completely dry, I've started my next project, Little Tiny Boxes. This is another of my favorite ways to create something new out of something old, recycle and reuse!

These are, obviously, tiny match boxes that I've chosen to paint in spring colors. The rest of the project is a secret until completed. I'll post photos then!

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Metal Cap Charms - in Progress

Oh I love to make these Metal Cap Charms! It is a lot of detail work, but the final results will be worth it.

Making use of those vintage greeting cards: Cutting, tearing out objects, shapes, colors

Most of these I have designed as matching pairs, for Springtime Earrings

These have been set out for glue to dry. Today I will seal them and again allow them to dry.
Then I will add a little clear resin, embellishments, earwires ~ they'll be ready for sale!
Until next time, enjoy your days!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Color Enhanced, Original Photos

During my years of traveling in my Winnebago, staying at State Parks, one of my favorite activities was photography. Every morning I would set out with dog.Zorra for a long hike, taking pictures all the while. For me it was a great way to bring my creativity into focus each day. In the evenings we would set out again for delightful walks at sunset, perfect time to capture amazing photos.

Recently I decided to work with some of my unique photos, to turn them into the 'other-worldly' images that I saw and felt when I originally took the photos.

Here are samples of what I have come up with:

Now to address the problem of finding the correct printer as my current one does not produce the colors accurately.

Rings with Tourmaline, Fluorite, Spirals

I'm so excited to have completed many more *rings*

Black Tourmaline Crystal Nuggets on Copper ~ New Swirly Spiral Copper

Faceted Green/Blue Fluorite ~ Spring-Green Fluorite Polished Nugget ~ Blue-Lavender Fluorite Polished Nugget

Tourmaline-Green Swarovski Crystal on Spiral ~ New Swirly Spiral Silver

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Recycle, Reuse to Create

Personally I love thrift store shopping, not only is it a way to recycle, but I find all types of marvelous Stuff to collect, reuse, cannibalize. Okay, I also love to find cool clothes to wear: skirts, blouses, jackets! Finding unusual objects to reuse within my jewelry and art is also an objective while thrift store shopping.

Do you ever look at or purchase the Somerset publications? I am addicted to them: Belle Armoire Jewelry, Art-To-Wear, Somerset Studio, to name only a few. These publications are beautiful with wonderful articles and projects; always inspires me to create something new, quite often with something old. Two of my favorite artists from Somerset are Angela Cartwright and Sally Jean Alexander. My hope for myself is to be able to create so freely & beautifully like these two lovely women!

My current project (inspired by the above artists) is reusing metal bottle caps to create art collage pendants; they remind me of reliquary. I am fascinated with relics and reliquary, the mystery, power and beauty. I have a large supply of vintage/older greeting cards from which I will extract spring tidbits for the metal cap collages.

My large supply of vintage/older greeting cards is a little story in itself. Unknown to us, my dear Mom (88-years old) saved every greeting card from each of her ten children throughout the years. This past autumn Mom sorted all the boxes of greetings cards, by each child's name. She presented each one of us with a package of our cards given to her in the past. Two sisters gave me their card to reuse. The oldest cards have fun colors, patterns, styles.

Until next time, laugh~love~enjoy!!

Learning to blog

This is it ~ time to make this blog work ~ be patient with me ~
I want to do this, really I do ~
As a young girl, I went though an
entire grade of school WITHOUT SPEAKING ONCE ~
Yep, not one single word for an entire school year ~
Whatever it was then applies to blogging now ~
wish me luck!

Welcome to the Gilannie Goddess Emporium Blogspot!