"In 1950, top executives earned 24 times the average worker's pay,
122 times in 1990
and 550 times in 2009."*
You read that right!! From 1950 to 1990, top executives' pay went from 24-times the average worker's pay to 550-times the average worker's pay.
"Currently, a CEO earns more in one workday (there are 260 in a year) than an average worker earns in 52 weeks."*
You read that right also!! A CEO earns more in 1 workday than the average worker earns over 1 year.
*above 2 quotes from http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/what-do-you-think-about-the-pay-gap-between-ceos-and-workers/question-917873/?page=2
My personal opinion is that the country of America cannot thrive unless the citizens of America are ALL thriving ~ not just the top, but the poorest and the struggling Middle Class as well. EVERYONE must be thriving for our America to a strong country.
The average workers ARE the foundation of our country. As our average workers become the poorest of our country, our foundation weakens, crumbles. If we do not make sure ALL of our citizens have Food, Clothing, Shelter and Education then we are undermining our own success as a country.
It's time to have, to quote Lincoln, “Government of the People, By the People, For the People” rather than what we have now which is, sadly, a Government of the Big Corporations, by the Big Corporations, for the Big Corporations.
Somewhere along the line, we took a wrong turn. The GREED is making our country weak, making our citizens poor, weakening our educational system, defeating the strength of America.
It's not too late to correct our path. America should be a leader in the global economy, a leader in human rights, a leader in green industries and so on. Let's all work together to make it so! The first step is to rebuild the strength of America's foundation, by saving the average worker!
PS During these hard times, please remember to be kind, to share, to be compassionate and to help one another.

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