During a recent skype video call with my granddaughter, Thalia (8-years-old), she wanted to see the gift I had made for her, she didn't want to wait. So I showed her the 'elven tree' I made for her to hang in her room. (Don't you just love this technology, webcam video calling!!)
Behind her my grandson (Aiden 5-years-old) popped up and asked where was his gift, didn't I have a gift for him, with a very sad puppy dog expression on his face.
I explained that this was a special gift for Thalia as she's had a little rough spell. He said he had a rough spell, too, so he should get a gift. (He knows I can't refuse him, my little sweetie...) I showed him a few items I was working on, birds, elephants. He very sadly said that he did not want anything like that.
So I asked little Aiden what he would like. Oh did his face light up. "Grammy," he said, "I would like CHOCOLATE." (Except that he says it "clocolate")
Since I am rarely without 'clocolate' in the house, I reached into my cabinet, grabbed a Dove Dark Chocolate Bar and flashed it in front of the webcam. "Oh, like this?" I asked him.
"YES" he replied with his little face all smiles.
So Saturday morning on the way to my Mom's house, I make a quick side trip to their house and dropped off the gift bags. Thalia was already outside. She came running with her usual exuberant yell of "GRAMMY!!!!!" and wrapped her entire body around me. Aiden came running out the front door, barefooted, with his own yell of "GRAMMY!!" and gave me his special 'monkey' hug.
Thalia was happy with her 'elven tree' which belongs to a story I made up for her when she was younger. Aiden is a 'clocolate' monster, the bar was most likely gone a few moments!
I had to leave then to drive on to my Mom's house. It was well worth the extra drive time from my city to their city, then onto my mom's city!
These little moments are 'priceless' as they say.
Such a delightful story. My daughter just quit her job and we are now off at the same time. have visited she and my three grand daughters every day this week and it has been great to really get to spend time with them. Before we were only off at the same time one day a week in the evening.