New plants I purchased today included lemon balm, cinnamon sage, peppermint, rosemary, green pepper, zinnia (bee flowers), red begonias, red salvia, pink gaura butterfly (my favorite). Sprouting new growth from last year's garden are hyssop, chocolate mint peppermint, and some rosemary survived. I am waiting on the pineapple sage- hoping it returns!

Today was heavenly as I spent most of the afternoon arranging new plants into containers. The sky was blue, the temperature near 70-degrees, birds singing in the trees and a breeze blowing, perfect for working in my garden.

After planting everything I wandered through the woods finding stones of all shapes and sizes to decorate my container garden area. I came across some old pieces of fencing, partly buried, that I salvaged to fashion a fence around the area - so cool, oxidized iron, very decorative! The fence adds quite a quaint country look to my updated container garden.

My gardens always contain a wide variety of whimsical things, many are gifts from my daughters, and some are 'treasures' from friends, yard sales and thrift stores. Now that I think about it, many of my whimsy items are still in storage. (Note to self, retrieve these from storage soon.)

During the next few weeks I will be adding more plants: veggies, herbs and flowers, more containers, more stones, more whimsical items and more colors.

Since I am living here in the woods only temporarily, I had to make a choice about my garden this spring. Although I was offered a small area of land to plant in by the owners (which I greatly appreciate), I decided to continue with container gardening. This is my leap of faith, not 'taking root' here figuratively or literally. My garden will not be as large as in the past, and will not have the variety as in the past, but it will be my garden that I love to tend. It will be easy to take with me when the time comes to move!

All in all, a much needed marvelous day to take a leap of faith and bring life, and colors, into my container garden. As always, dog.Zorra was at my side, insisting I stop to throw the Frisbee for her now and then.
I freely admit, I am happiest being outside, gardening - it is my bliss!
Happy Spring! Happy Gardening to My Fellow Gardeners!