Personally I love thrift store shopping, not only is it a way to recycle, but I find all types of marvelous Stuff to collect, reuse, cannibalize. Okay, I also love to find cool clothes to wear: skirts, blouses, jackets! Finding unusual objects to reuse within my jewelry and art is also an objective while thrift store shopping.
Do you ever look at or purchase the Somerset publications? I am addicted to them: Belle Armoire Jewelry, Art-To-Wear, Somerset Studio, to name only a few. These publications are beautiful with wonderful articles and projects; always inspires me to create something new, quite often with something old. Two of my favorite artists from Somerset are Angela Cartwright and Sally Jean Alexander. My hope for myself is to be able to create so freely & beautifully like these two lovely women!
My current project (inspired by the above artists) is reusing metal bottle caps to create art collage pendants; they remind me of reliquary. I am fascinated with relics and reliquary, the mystery, power and beauty. I have a large supply of vintage/older greeting cards from which I will extract spring tidbits for the metal cap collages.

My large supply of vintage/older greeting cards is a little story in itself. Unknown to us, my dear Mom (88-years old) saved every greeting card from each of her ten children throughout the years. This past autumn Mom sorted all the boxes of greetings cards, by each child's name. She presented each one of us with a package of our cards given to her in the past. Two sisters gave me their card to reuse. The oldest cards have fun colors, patterns, styles.

Until next time, laugh~love~enjoy!!