Where does the time go? Hard to believe my last post was on May 1st...and today is June 18th. Life happens and sometimes one does take a quantum leap. This leap was via a vortex of chaos; chaos caused by my Mom's new health issues and home-repair problems. Fortunately for me, the leap was only to a new month and has removed me from of that vortex. Now I am trying to restore my normal routine. (Yippee for normal routines!)
Here are New Photos of My Little Sweeties and some of My Garden~
Zorra the Wonder Dog

Goldie my SnuggleBug

Max the Hunter, on the prowl for moths and other deadly creatures

Ripening tomato

Happy Sunflowers

Green Peppers

Hyssop Herbs & More

Gaura & Red Begonias

A Corner View

And here is a very silly photo. This is Tasha, my Mom's old dog, a pale lab mix. A little creature had gone into this left over piece of landscape tube. Old Tasha stuck most of her head into the tube trying to find the creature. The photo is a bit blurred as Tasha was shaking the tube with her head. In fact, when I first heard the noises, I though Tasha was wrestling with a large snake! Whatever was in the tube most like escaped through the other end.
Until next time, Live~Laugh~Love!